Projects: Commission / Designs / Schemes

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Abstract mesh sculpture as centrepiece of stairways spanning two stories

‘CUMULUS’ 2015

‘CUMULUS’ 2015
Stairwell sculpture, 370 x 170 x 120 cm
White finished bronze-mesh, suspended

This sculpture is part of the ‘CIRRII SERIES’:

The ‘CIRRII SERIES’ 2014 / 2015
17 sculptures commissioned for interior spaces of at 8 Northumberland Avenue, London / Trafalgar Square, with 'Curate42', awarded as the 'Most Influential Digital Innovation Company 2022; in the Lux Life Hospitality Awards.

Ostensibly these are sculptural representations of water vapour or clouds. Cloud forms can look solid to us when we see them from below or above. Artists have sought to capture their fascinating transient beauty in painting and photography but is rare to find as a subject for sculpture. British artist Antony Gormley first tried it out with his steel construction ‘The Quantum Cloud‘, a 3D steel messy-like construction at London’s Millennium Dome (O2 Arena) in 1999 and then later again in 2007 with ‘Cloud Chamber‘ at the Haywood Gallery, London where he created ‘a real cloud‘ in a glass box which people were able to walk through. Spanish artist Jaume Plensa’s ‘Nuage Series‘ 2012 of floating cloud form and figure are another example and of course so are Andy Warhol’s ‘Silver Clouds‘ 1966.

The series of 17 sculptures in white finished bronzemesh comprises
3 ceiling sculptures, 500 x 70 x 15 cm each
Ceiling rose, 160 x 140 x 24 cm
Stairwell sculpture, 370 x 170 x 120 cm
CIRRII SERIES I - IX’ 2015 (basement)
9 ceiling sculptures, 150 x 70 x 15 cm each

Artist Statement:
"The white-painted bronze-mesh as a material is distinctly reminiscent of translucent canvas and its modelling creates a liveliness and sense of movement that is further enhanced by the use of projected shadow combined with strategic lighting across the undulating relief surface of the sculpture. The white sculptures represent a simple reversal from black - a sculpturally optical and graphic rendition - to white - a sculpturally tactile rendition of surface and form."

  • david begbie sculpture cumulus 8northumberland screen 4923 s
    david begbie sculpture cumulus 8northumberland screen 4923 s
  • David Begbie 8 Northumberland stairway sculpture wiremesh 5739
    David Begbie 8 Northumberland stairway sculpture wiremesh 5739
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  • 05a Ceiling sculpture installation
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  • 04e CIRRUS cloud ceiling art
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  • 04c CIRRUSTRATUS sculpture
    04c CIRRUSTRATUS sculpture
  • 04a CIRRUSTRATUS by David Begbie
    04a CIRRUSTRATUS by David Begbie
  • 03b Cloud artwork
    03b Cloud artwork
  • 03ab cloud form artwork
    03ab cloud form artwork
  • 03aa cloud form artwork
    03aa cloud form artwork
  • 03a CUMULUS sculpture detail
    03a CUMULUS sculpture detail
  • 02 ceiling sculpture series
    02 ceiling sculpture series
  • 02 ceiling sculpture 4
    02 ceiling sculpture 4
  • 02 ceiling cloudsculpture 3
    02 ceiling cloudsculpture 3
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  • 01 a 3 painted mesh suspension test
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  • 01 a 1 wire mesh at sculptor studio
    01 a 1 wire mesh at sculptor studio
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A few ‘Begbie’ owners you might know
Giorgio Armani
Michael Barrymore
A. S. Byatt (writer)
Eric Clapton
Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear / BBC)
Harvey Goldsmith (promoter)
George Leventis
Emily Maitlis (BBC News Night)
Debbie Moore (Pineapple Dance studios)
Martina Navratilova
Nick Rhodes (Duran Duran)
Vidal Sassoon (Haircare Ltd.)
Sir Clive Sinclair (C5 car)
Billy Squier
Frankie Vaughan (late)

Public examples
St. Mary, Wherwell Chilbolton
Millennium Dome, London
Manangel, Birmingham
The Jam House, Edinburgh
Shrine of Walsingham, Norfolk
Wimbledon Centre Court Building
‘Figure & Fountain‘ Southwark, London

Corporate and Private Acquisition Examples
8 Northumberland, London
British Consulate-General Shanghai
British Embassy Khartoum, Sudan
Buddha-Bar London
Cannons City Gym
Christian Dior, Paris
Eric and Jean Cass Collection
Coloplast Ltd., London
Conning Asset Management, London
Christian Dior Couture, Paris
Hanover Grange Jamaica
Heron Corporation
Hyatt Hotel Group
Johnson & Johnson
Jumeirah Hotel Group
Le Royal Meridien Hotel Group
Mein Schiff Cruise Lines
Mews of Mayfair, London
Radisson Edwardian Hotel Group
Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines
SAS Radisson Hotel Group

Natural History Museum, London
International Slavery Museum, Liverpool
Galleria Nazionali de Arte Moderna, Rome
Museum Beelden an Zee, The Netherlands
Court of Justice, Almelo, The Netherlands
National Gallery Canberra, Australia
Nickel Arts Museum, Calgary, USA
My sculptures have no palpable substance or surface. At first glance they appear to be a metallic membrane but when you take a closer look they are not even a skin - they are instead a delineation of surface and form, modelled and drawn in three-dimensional space.
David Begbie