’AANGEL’ 2021
Large angel sculpture - androgynous body
suspended or wall mounted
Bronze-Mesh, copper colour finish
135 x 125 x 25 cm
‘AANGEL’ is an androgynous angel and although quite feminine, the character is mysteriously asexual - the original / traditional concept of an angel. The subject and composition comprises a delicate fusion of masculine and feminine. The sculpture works best as suspended but can be wall-mounted.
This steelmesh sculpture has a copper lacquer finish above a solid tin cover which - as with all of my sculptures - fixes the mesh structure so the sculpture is robust and stable.
Simple spot lighting produces a wonderful ethereal shadow or cross/top lighting heightens the form and detail. Both results can be easily achieved either simultaneously or separately.
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suspended or wall mounted
Bronze-Mesh, copper colour finish
135 x 125 x 25 cm
‘AANGEL’ is an androgynous angel and although quite feminine, the character is mysteriously asexual - the original / traditional concept of an angel. The subject and composition comprises a delicate fusion of masculine and feminine. The sculpture works best as suspended but can be wall-mounted.
This steelmesh sculpture has a copper lacquer finish above a solid tin cover which - as with all of my sculptures - fixes the mesh structure so the sculpture is robust and stable.
Simple spot lighting produces a wonderful ethereal shadow or cross/top lighting heightens the form and detail. Both results can be easily achieved either simultaneously or separately.
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Thanks for music 'DHARMA SPACE' by Jan Pulsford - www.janpulsford.com
Free download - print & fold to make your personal card.