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Final touches for a larger wire-mesh sculpture
2019, 1 minute
’IZUUU’ 2018 - steelmesh, a unique artwork, Dimensions 79 x 64 x 15 cm.
Triple composition of three male back figures
Steel-Mesh, black colour finish.
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Many thanks for Music “CoLLeCTiNG DReaMS” by Jan Pulsford.

  • David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0486 crosslight
    David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0486 crosslight
  • David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0483
    David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0483
  • David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0481
    David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0481
  • David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0479
    David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0479
  • David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0474
    David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0474
  • David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0471
    David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0471
  • David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0440detail
    David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0440detail
  • David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0433
    David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0433
  • David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0430
    David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0430
  • David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0427
    David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0427
  • David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0421
    David Begbie sculpture IZUUU 0421
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The distinction I make between art and design is that a design object is utilitarian and designed to be used whereas an art object is ‘useless’ other than being a work of art - as Pablo Picasso once said “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.
David Begbie / Pablo Picasso