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A portrait of David Begbie and his transparent sculptures

From early school to becoming a leading artist
Film by studio.5
2024, 15 minutes

A Portrait of David Begbie and his Transparent Sculptures
Nathalie Banaigs, channel studio.5, features my artist life from early school years to present
Watch the video recorded at the studio in London January 2024 (15 min)

Nathalie Banaigs, studio.5, featured my artist life with a new video and explores my development from early school years to an established artist.

"David Begbie is a sculptor known for his transparent sculptures, resembling drawings in three-dimensional space. He utilises fine wire mesh to create intricate, diaphanous figures, often incorporating projected shadows for dynamic compositions. His interest in art began in childhood, nurtured by supportive teachers, experimenting with various materials before gravitating towards transparency.
His work reflects a fascination with human form and societal perceptions of beauty, often blending masculine and feminine traits always seeking a universal sense of beauty that transcends explanation.

Thank you for this profound production to Nathalie and studio.5 - please watch, like and comment and also explore all artist videos on studio.5 channel!

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The distinction I make between art and design is that a design object is utilitarian and designed to be used whereas an art object is ‘useless’ other than being a work of art - as Pablo Picasso once said “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.
David Begbie / Pablo Picasso