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Milan art exhibition vernissage David Begbie with Cris Contini Contemporary

Solo Exhibition 2021

1.5 minutes, Cris Contini Contemporary, Milan
Contemporary Wire-Mesh Art
7th - 25th OCTOBER 2021
Corso Venezia 7 (scala B, terzo piano)
20121 Milano

When I am making a sculpture in mesh and I witness the amorphous forms emerging in front of my eyes it sometimes feels as though I am stretching the fabric of the universe itself and creating a completely new space.

Quando realizzo una scultura in rete e osservo le forme amorfe che emergono davanti ai miei occhi, a volte mi sembra di stirare il tessuto dell’universo stesso e creare uno spazio completamente nuovo”.

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The distinction I make between art and design is that a design object is utilitarian and designed to be used whereas an art object is ‘useless’ other than being a work of art - as Pablo Picasso once said “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.
David Begbie / Pablo Picasso